How To Convert GCC Driving License To Qatar Driving License 2024 ?

By / updated : 11/01/2024

To converting GCC Driving License to Qatar driving licens is easy process.
Here's some steps to follow.

  1. Visit a Driving School :
  2. Visit any driving school in Qatar.These School typically have a Department of Traffice (DTO) offie withing them.

    If your are unsure about driving school in Qatar Please Visit the MOI Website for the authorized school.

  3. Open File With a Department of Traffic :
  4. Theory Class and Test :
  5. Road Test and Parking Test :
  6. Pay License Fee & Collect :

Remember, these are general information, and specific requirements might differ slightly depending on your GCC country
and individual circumstances.

I hope this helpes ! Let me know if you have any questions.